# Questions

  1. A company recently purchased a commercial off-the-shelf application to automate their bill-paying process. They now plan to run an acceptance test against the package prior to putting it into production. Which of the following is their most likely reason for testing?

    • To build confidence in the application. 建立对应用程序的信心。
    • To detect bugs in the application. 检测应用程序中的错误。
    • To gather evidence for a lawsuit. 为诉讼收集证据。
    • To train the users. 培训客户。


  2. According to the ISTQB Glossary, the word ‘bug’ is synonymous with which of the following words?
    根据 ISTQB 术语,“bug” 一词与以下哪个词同义?

    • Incident. 事件。
    • Defect. 缺陷。
    • Mistake. 错误。
    • Error. 故障。


  3. According to the ISTQB Glossary, a risk relates to which of the following?
    根据 ISTQB 术语,风险与以下哪一项有关?

    • Negative feedback to the tester. 对测试人员的负面反馈。
    • Negative consequences that will occur. 将会发生的负面结果。
    • Negative consequences that could occur. 可能发生的负面结果。
    • Negative consequences for the test object. 对测试对象的负面影响。


  4. Ensuring that test design starts during the requirements definition phase is important to enable which of the following test objectives?

    • Preventing defects in the system. 防止系统中的缺陷。
    • Finding defects through dynamic testing. 通过动态测试发现缺陷。
    • Gaining confidence in the system. 获得对系统的信心。
    • Finishing the project on time. 按时完成项目。


  5. A test team consistently finds between 90% and 95% of the defects present in the system under test. While the test manager understands that this is a good defect-detection percentage for her test team and industry, senior management and executives remain disappointed in the test group, saying that the test team misses too many bugs. Given that the users are generally happy with the system and that the failures which have occurred have generally been low impact, which of the following testing principles is most likely to help the test manager explain to these managers and executives why some defects are likely to be missed?
    一个测试团队连续地检测到被测系统中存在的 90% 到 95% 的缺陷比率。虽然测试经理明白这对他的测试团队和行业来说是已经是一个很好的缺陷检测率, 但高级管理人员和高管仍然对测试团队感到失望,称测试团队漏掉了太多缺陷。鉴于用户通常对系统感到满意,并且发生的故障通常影响很小,以下哪项测试原则最有可能帮助测试经理向这些经理和主管解释为什么有些缺陷可能是未被检测到的?

    • Exhaustive testing is impossible. 穷尽测试是不可能的。
    • Defect clustering. 缺陷集群性。
    • Pesticide paradox. 杀虫剂悖论。
    • Absence-of-errors fallacy. 没有错误是好是谬论。


  6. According to the ISTQB Glossary, regression testing is required for what purpose?
    根据 ISTQB 术语,出于什么目的需要进行回归测试?

    • To verify the success of corrective actions. 验证纠正措施是否成功。
    • To prevent a task from being incorrectly considered completed. 防止错误地认为任务已完成。
    • To ensure that defects have not been introduced by a modification. 确保没有通过修改引入缺陷。
    • To motivate better unit testing by the programmers. 激励程序员进行更好的单元测试。


  7. Which of the following is most important to promote and maintain good relationships between testers and developers?

    • Understanding what managers value about testing. 了解经理对测试的重视程度。
    • Explaining test results in a neutral fashion. 以中立的方式解释测试结果。
    • Identifying potential customer work-arounds for bugs. 确定潜在客户解决的方法。
    • Promoting better quality software whenever possible. 尽可能推广质量更好的软件。


  8. Which of the statements below is the best assessment of how the test principles apply across the test life cycle?

    • Test principles only affect the preparation for testing. 测试原则只影响测试的准备。
    • Test principles only affect test execution activities. 测试原则只影响测试执行活动。
    • Test principles affect the early test activities such as review. 测试原则影响早期的测试活动,如评审。
    • Test principles affect activities throughout the test life cycle. 测试原则影响整个测试生命周期的活动。

    (1.2.3,1.3.1and 1.4.1)


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