# Question - Test Management

  1. Why is independent testing important?

    • Independent testing is usually cheaper than testing your own work. 独立测试通常比测试自己的工作更便宜。
    • Independent testing is more effective at finding defects. 独立测试在发现缺陷方面更有效。
    • Independent testers should determine the processes and methodologies used. 独立测试人员应确定所使用的流程和方法。
    • Independent testers are dispassionate about whether the project succeeds or fails. 独立测试人员对项目是否成功持冷静态度。
  2. Which of the following is among the typical tasks of a test leader?

    • Develop system requirements, design specifications and usage models. 开发系统要求、设计规范和使用模型。
    • Handle all test automation duties. 处理所有测试自动化职责。
    • Keep tests and test coverage hidden from programmers. 对程序员隐瞒测试和测试范围。
    • Gather and report test progress metrics. 收集和报告测试进度指标。
  3. According to the ISTQB Glossary, what do we mean when we call someone a test manager
    根据 ISTQB 词汇表,当我们称某人为测试经理时,我们是什么意思?

    • A test manager manages a collection of test leaders. 测试经理管理一组测试组长。
    • A test manager is the leader of a test team or teams. 测试经理是测试团队或团队的领导者。
    • A test manager gets paid more than a test leader. 测试经理获得的报酬超过测试组长的报酬。
    • A test manager reports to a test leader. 测试经理向测试组长报告。
  4. What is primary difference between the test plan, and the test design specification, procedure specification?

    • The test plan describes one or more levels of testing, the test design specification identifies the associated high-level test cases and a test procedures specification describes the actions for executing a test. 测试计划描述了一个或多个级别的测试,测试设计规格说明识别了相关的高级测试案例,测试程序规范描述了执行测试的操作。
    • The test plan is for managers, the test design specification is for programmers and the test procedure specification is for testers who are automating tests. 测试计划是给经理的,测试设计规范是给程序员的,测试程序规范是给自动测试的测试人员的。
    • The test plan is the least through, the test procedure specification is the most through and the test design specification is midway between the two. 测试计划是最少通过的,测试程序规范是最通过的,测试设计规范介于两者之间。
    • The test plan is finished in the first third of the project, the test design specification is finished in the project and the test procedure specification is finished in the last third of the project. 测试计划在项目的前三分之一完成,测试设计规格说明在项目中完成,测试程序规范在项目的最后三分之一完成。
  5. Which of the following factors is an influence on the test effort involved in most projects?

    • Geographical separation of tester and programmers. 测试员和程序员的地理分离。
    • The departure of the test manager during the project. 项目期间测试经理的离职。
    • The quality of the information used to develop the tests. 用于开发测试的信息的质量。
    • Unexpected long-term illness by a member of the project team. 项目组成员意外长期患病。
  6. The ISTQB Foundation Syllabus establishes a fundamental test process where test planning occurs early in the project, while test execution occurs later. Which of the following elements of the test plan, while specified during test planning, are assessed during test execution?
    ISTQB 基础教学大纲建立了一个基本的测试过程,其中测试计划在项目早期发生,而测试执行则在较晚时进行。测试计划中哪些要素在测试计划期间指定,在测试执行期间进行评估?

    • Test tasks 测试任务
    • Environmental needs 环境需求
    • Exit criteria 退出标准
    • Test team training 测试团队培训
  7. Consider the following exit criteria which might be found in a test plan:

    I. No known customer-critical defects. 无已知的客户关键缺陷。
    II. All interfaces between components tested. 测试组件之间的所有接口。
    III. 100% code coverage of all units. 所有单位的 100% 代码覆盖率。
    IV. All specified requirements satisfied. 满足所有指定要求。
    V. System functionality matches legacy system for all business rules. 系统功能与所有业务规则的旧系统相匹配。
    Which of the following statements is true about whether these exit criteria belong in an acceptance test plan?

    • All statements belong in an acceptance test plan. 所有的都属于验收测试计划。
    • Only statement I belongs in an acceptance test plan. 只有 I 属于验收测试计划。
    • Only statements I, II, and V belong in an acceptance test plan. 只有 I、II 和 V 属于验收测试计划。
    • Only statements I, IV, and V belong in an acceptance test plan. 只有 I、IV, 和 V 属于验收测试计划。
  8. According to the ISTQB Glossary, what is a test level?
    根据 ISTQB 词汇表,什么是测试级别?

    • A group of test activities that are organized together. 统一组织的一组测试活动
    • One or more test design specification documents. 一个或多个测试设计规范文档。
    • A test type. 测试类型。
    • As ISTQB certification. 作为 ISTQB 认证。
  9. Which of the following metrics would be most useful to monitor during test execution?

    • Percentage of test cases written. 编写测试案例的百分比。
    • Number of test environments remaining to be configured. 仍有待配置的测试环境数量。
    • Number or defects found and fixed. 发现和修复的数量或缺陷。
    • Percentage of requirements for which a test has been written. 编写测试要求的百分比。
  10. During test execution, the test manager describes the following situation to the project team: ‘ 90% of the test cases have been run. 20% of the test cases have identified defects. 127 defects have been found. 112 defects have been fixed and have passed confirmation testing. Of the remaining 15 defects, project management has decided that they do not need to be fixed prior to release. ’ Which of the following is the most responsible interpretation of this test status report?
    在测试执行过程中,测试经理向项目团队描述了以下情况:'90% 的测试案例已经运行。20% 的测试案例已识别缺陷。已发现 127 个缺陷。112 个缺陷已修复并通过确认测试。在其余 15 个缺陷中,项目管理已决定在发布前不需要修复这些缺陷。" 以下哪一项是对本测试状态报告最负责任的解释?

    • The remaining 15 defects should be confirmation tested prior to release. 其余 15 个缺陷应在发布前进行确认测试。
    • The remaining 10% test cases should be run prior to release. 其余 10% 的测试案例应在发布前运行。
    • The system is now ready for release with no further testing or development effort. 系统现已准备就绪,无需进一步测试或开发。
    • The programmers should focus their attention on fixing the remaining known defects prior to release. 程序员应集中注意在发布前修复剩余已知缺陷。
  11. In a test summary report, the project’s test leader makes the following statement, ‘ The payment from American Express cardholders, which is considered a must-work feature for this release’. The statement is likely to be found in which of the following sections?

    • Evaluation 评估
    • Summary of activities 活动摘要
    • Variances 差异
    • Incident description 事件描述
  12. During an early period of test execution, a defect is located, resolved and confirmed as resolved by re-testing, but is seen again later during subsequent test execution. Which of the following is a testing-related aspect of configuration management that is most likely to have broken down?

    • Traceability 可追溯性
    • Confirmation testing 确认测试
    • Confirmation control 确认控制
    • Test documentation management 测试文档管理
  13. You are working as a tester on a project to develop a point-of-sales system for grocery stores and other similar retail outlets. Which of the following is a product risk for such a project?

    • The arrival of a more-reliable competing product on the market. 更可靠的竞争产品上市。
    • Delivery of an incomplete test release to the first cycle of system test. 将不完整的测试版本交付到系统测试的第一个周期。
    • An excessively high number of defect fixes fail during re-testing. 在重新测试期间,过多的缺陷修复失败。
    • Failure to accept allowed credit cards. 不接受允许的信用卡。
  14. A product risk analysis meeting is held during the project planning period. Which of the following determines the level of risk?

    • Difficulty of fixing related problems in code. 难以解决代码中的相关问题。
    • the harm that might result to the user. 可能对用户造成的伤害。
    • The price for which the software is sold. 软件的销售价格。
    • The technical staff in the meeting. 参加会议的技术人员。
  15. You are writing a test plan using the IEEE 829 template and are currently completing the Risks and Contingencies section. Which of the following is most likely to be listed as a project risk?
    您正在使用 IEEE 829 模板编写测试计划,目前正在完成风险和意外事件部分。以下哪一项最有可能被列为项目风险?

    • Unexpected illness of a key team member. 关键团队成员的意外疾病。
    • Excessively slow transaction-processing time. 交易处理时间过慢。
    • Data corruption under network congestion. 网络拥塞下的数据腐败。
    • Failure to handle a key use case. 未能处理关键使用案例。
  16. You and the project stakeholders develop a list of product risks and project risks during the planning stage of a project. What else should you do with those lists of risks during test planning?

    • Determine the extent of testing required for the product risks and the mitigation and contingency actions required for the project risks. 确定产品风险所需的测试范围以及项目风险所需的缓解和应急行动。
    • Obtain the resources needed to completely cover each product risk with tests and transfer responsibility for the project risks to the project manager. 通过测试获得完全覆盖每个产品风险所需的资源,并将项目风险的责任转移给项目经理。
    • Execute sufficient tests for the product risks, based on the likelihood and impact of each product risk and execute mitigation actions for all project risks. 根据每个产品风险的可能性和影响对产品风险执行足够的测试,并针对所有项目风险执行缓解措施。
    • No further risk management action is required at the test planning stage. 在测试规划阶段不需要采取进一步的风险管理行动。
  17. According to the ISTQB Glossary, a product risk is related to which of the following?
    根据 ISTQB 术语表,产品风险与以下哪一项有关?

    • Control of the test project 测试项目的控制
    • The test object 测试对象
    • A single test item 单个测试项目
    • A potential negative outcome 潜在的负面结果
  18. In an incident report, the tester makes the following statement, ‘ At this point, I expect to receive and error message explaining the rejection of this invalid input and asking me to enter a valid input. Instead the system accepts the input, displays an hourglass for between one and five seconds and terminates abnormally, giving the message, “Unexpected data type: 15 Click to continue”.’ This statement is likely to be found in which of the following sections of an IEEE 829 standard incident report?
    在事件报告中,测试者会做出以下陈述,"此时,我期望收到并错误消息,解释拒绝此无效输入,并要求我输入有效输入。相反,系统接受输入,显示沙漏在一到五秒之间,并异常终止,给消息," 意外数据类型:15 点击继续 "。." 此陈述可能会在 IEEE 829 标准事件报告的以下哪些部分找到?

    • Summary 总结
    • Impact 影响
    • Item pass/fail criteria 项目通过 / 失败标准
    • Incident description 事件描述
  19. According to the ISTQB Glossary, what do we call a document that describes any event that occurred during testing which requires further investigation?
    根据 ISTQB 术语表,我们将描述测试期间发生的任何需要进一步调查的事件的文档称为什么?

    • Bug report 错误报告
    • A defect report 缺陷报告
    • An incident report 事件报告
    • A test summary report 测试总结报告
  20. A product risk analysis is performed during the planning stage of the test process. During the execution stage of the test process, the test manager directs the testers to classify each defect report by the known product risk it relates to (or to ‘other’). Once a week, the test manager runs a report that shows the percentage of defects related to each known product risk and to unknown risks. What is one possible use of such a report?
    在测试过程的计划阶段执行产品风险分析。在测试过程的执行阶段,测试经理指导测试人员根据其相关(或 “其他”)的已知产品风险对每个缺陷报告进行分类。每周一次,测试经理运行一份报告,显示与每个已知产品风险和未知风险相关的缺陷百分比。这种报告的一种可能用途是什么?

    • To identify new risks to system quality. 识别系统质量的新风险。
    • To locate defect clusters in product subsystems. 在产品子系统中定位缺陷集群。
    • To check risk coverage by tests. 通过测试检查风险覆盖率。
    • To measure exploratory testing. 测量探索性测试。

# Question - Tool Support for Testing

  1. Which tools help to support static testing?

    • Static analysis tools, and test execution tools. 静态分析工具和测试执行工具。
    • Review tools, static analysis tools, and coverage measurement tools. 评审工具、静态分析工具和覆盖测量工具。
    • Dynamic analysis tools, and modelling tools. 动态分析工具和建模工具。
    • Review tools, static analysis tools, and modelling tools. 评审工具、静态分析工具和建模工具。
  2. Which test activities are supported by test harness or unit test framework tools?

    • Test management and control. 测试管理和控制。
    • Test specification and design. 测试规约说明和设计。
    • Test execution and logging. 测试执行和记录。
    • Performance and monitoring 性能和监测
  3. What are the potential benefits from using tools in general to support testing?

    • Greater quality of code, reduction in the number of testers needed, better objectives for testing. 提高代码质量,减少所需的测试人员数量,提高测试目标。
    • Greater repeatability of tests, reduction in repetitive work, objective assessment. 测试的可重复性更高,重复性工作减少,客观评估。
    • Greater responsiveness of users, reduction of tests run, objectives not necessary. 用户响应能力增强,测试运行减少,目标没有必要。
    • Greater quality of code, reduction in paperwork, fewer objections to the tests. 提高代码质量,减少文书工作,减少对测试的反对。
  4. What is a potential risk in using tools to support testing?

    • Unrealistic expectations, expecting the tool to do too much. 不切实际的期望,期望工具做得太多。
    • Insufficient reliance on the tool, i.e. still doing manual testing when a test execution tool has been purchased. 对工具的依赖程度不够,即在购买测试执行工具时仍在进行手动测试。
    • The tool may find defects that aren’t there. 该工具可能会发现不存在的缺陷。
    • The tool will repeat exactly the same thing it did the previous time. 该工具将重复与上次完全相同的情况。
  5. Which of the following are advanced scripting techniques for test execution tools?

    • Data-driven and keyword-driven. 数据驱动和关键字驱动。
    • Data-driven and captured-driven. 数据驱动和捕获驱动。
    • Capture-driven and keyhole-driven. 捕获驱动和钥匙孔驱动。
    • Playback-driven and keyword-driven. 播放驱动和关键字驱动。
  6. Which of the following would NOT be done as part of selecting a tool for an organization?

    • Assess organizational maturity, strengths, and weaknesses. 评估组织成熟度、优势和劣势。
    • Roll out the tool to as many users as possible within the organization. 向组织内尽可能多的用户推出该工具。
    • Evaluate the tool features against clear requirements and objective criteria. 根据明确要求和客观标准评估工具功能。
    • Identify internal requirements for coaching and mentoring in the use of the tool. 确定在使用该工具时进行辅导和指导的内部要求。
  7. Which of the following is a goal for a proof-of-concept or pilot phase for tool evaluation?

    • Decide which tool to acquire. 决定获取哪个工具。
    • Decide on the main objectives and requirements for this type of tool. 决定此类工具的主要目标和要求。
    • Evaluate the tool vendor including training, support, and commercial aspects. 评估工具供应商,包括培训、支持和商业方面。
    • Decide on standard ways of using, managing, storing, and maintaining the tool and the test assets. 决定使用、管理、存储和维护工具和测试资产的标准方法。

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