# Document Object Model (DOM) 文档对象模型

  • Object representation of a HTML or XML Document in memory
    内存中 HTML 或 XML 文档的对象表示
  • All elements are represented by objects
  • DOM is an API that can be used in many languages
    DOM 是一种可以在多种语言中使用的 API
  • JavaScript uses DOM scripting to modify the elements on a page
    JavaScript 使用 DOM 脚本来修改页面上的元素
  • DOM is a collection of nodes in a tree
    DOM 是树中节点的集合
  • Also provides standard methods to traverse the DOM, access elements and modify elements
    还提供了遍历 DOM、访问元素和修改的标准方法元素

# DOM Selection

  • Accessing the DOM elements
    Use methods of the document object
  • Most common by id
    let a = document.getElementById("elementid");
  • Can also access by class , tag , selector
  • Use the Element.getAttribute("src"); method to get an attribute's value from an element. Use the setAttribute to set or change one.
  • Set of methods to manipulate DOM objects.


# By Id

always will return one DOM element since id needs to be unique on the page.
总是会返回一个 DOM 元素,因为 id 在页面上必须是唯一的。

var element = document.getElementById('someId');


# By Class Name

returns an HTMLCollection

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('classnames');


# By Tag Name

returns an HTMLCollection

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('tagname');


# By Selector

returns one element or a NodeList of element objects, uses CSS style selectors
返回一个使用 CSS 样式选择器的元素或元素对象的 NodeList

var element = document.querySelector('css selector string');
var elementList = document.querySelectorAll('css selector string');


# DOM Event Handling

Three Methods – 3rd method is the most preferred way

  1. As attribute on HTML element 作为 HTML 元素的属性
  2. As a method attached to a DOM object 作为附加到 DOM 对象的方法
  3. Using the add event handler method of an object 使用对象的 add 事件处理程序方法 最优选

# As attribute on HTML element

作为 HTML 元素的属性

  • Not suggested, mixes JavaScript and HTML structure in the HTML markup.
    不建议,在 HTML 标记中混合使用 JavaScript 和 HTML 结构。

  • Uses the attribute that pertains to the particular event. Usually in the form of on + something . Click event is onclick .
    使用与特定事件相关的属性。通常采用 on + something 形式。点击事件是 onclick

  • JavaScript code is embedded in the event attribute.
    JavaScript 代码嵌入在事件属性中。

<div onclick="alert('I was clicked')">click me</div>

# As a method attached to a DOM object

作为附加到 DOM 对象的方法

  • Not suggested, while it separates the event handler logic from the HTML markup you still have limitations.
    不建议,虽然它将事件处理程序逻辑与 HTML 标记分开,但仍然有限制。

  • Can only apply one event handler to an element using this method.

  • JavaScript function is assigned to the event name property on the element. Click is onclick .
    JavaScript 函数被分配给元素上的事件名称属性。点击是 onclick

<div id=“aButton”>Click Me</div>
document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = function(){
    //code in this block


# Using the add event listener method of a object

  • This is the preferred modern standards compliant method. This is what I want to see unless you have good reason to use the other two and can explain why.

  • This allows you to bind multiple handlers on the same element to listen for the same event.

  • Event types are without the word “on” before them. Click is click .
    事件类型前面没有 “on” 一词。点击就是 click

    element.addEventListener("click", myFunction, false);


  • Make sure you pass the function object, not execute the function. Notice no parenthesis.
    Or declare an anonymous inline function.


# DOM Element Manipulation

  • DOM elements have a property, innerHTML , that sets or gets the HTML syntax that describes all the element's children.
    DOM 元素有一个属性, innerHTML ,设置或获取描述所有子元素的 HTML 语法。

  • DOM elements also have an innerText property that can be used if the inner content is only text with no HTML syntax. HTML will not be parsed and inserted as plain text.
    DOM 元素还有一个 innerText 属性,如果内部内容只是没有 HTML 的文本,则可以使用该属性句法。HTML 不会作为纯文本被解析和插入。

let content = element.innerHTML;
element.innerHTML = '<p>New HTML</p>';
let content = element.innerText;
element.innerText = 'this is some text';
  • innerHTML can introduce security concerns so you need to use it carefully.
    innerHTML 会引入安全问题,因此您需要谨慎使用它。
  • There is also a textContent property that is very similar to innerText . It differs in that it textContent will also get hidden text text content like a <script> tag not just visible text.
    还有一个与 innerText 非常相似的 textContent 属性。它的不同之处在于它 textContent 也会得到隐藏文本文本内容,例如 <script> 标签,而不仅仅是可见文本。




# Getting values from form fields


# Most basic is the input element

  • This could be of type text , button , checkbox , radio , and others that use the HTML <input> element form control.
    最基本的是输入元素。这可以是文本、按钮、复选框、单选和其他使用 HTML <input> 元素表单控件的。




  • Many properties to interact with the control. Very important one that applies to all types of input controls is value.

    Gets or Sets the value
    element.value = '5';
    let result = element.value;
  • All values are get or set as a string from a form control. You must do any type conversions.

  • Select lists
    See properties selectedIndex , selectedOptions , value , and others

  • Text Areas
    Value property to get/set value same as input

# Helper methods you should looks into


  • Number() - Object

  • Other built in global functions and objects

  • Be very careful with the parseInt() function's behavior as demoed in class and the NaN type.
    parseInt() 函数在类和 NaN 类型中的行为要非常小心

# basic properties and methods

  • Elements are the basic object everything descends from.
  • Review this link for basic properties and methods that apply to all elements.
  • To properly create, move, delete, or modify elements you need to use properties or methods on the elements.
  • Changing Inline CSS Styles 更改内联 CSS 样式
    document.getElementById('anId').style.backgroundColor = '#000000';
    CSS properties on style object usually use a camel case version of the name. Look it up if you can not figure it out.
    样式对象上的 CSS 属性通常使用名称的驼峰式大小写版本。

# Methods used to create and insert an element


  • document.createElement()
  • document.createTextNode()
  • node.appendChild()
  • node.insertBefore()
  • node.removeChild()
  • node.replaceChild()

For example, to insert a new h3 in the body of an HTML page
例如,在 HTML 页面的正文中插入新的 h3

var head3 = document.createElement('h3');
var headtext = document.createTextNode('This is my H3 headline');
var b = document.getElementsByTagName('body');

# Basic DOM Demo

Basic DOM Demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Basic DOM Demo</title>
    <!-- 1 -->
    <h1 id="mainheadline">Basic DOM Demo</h1>
    <button id="headlinebtn">Change Headline</button>
    <!-- 2 -->
        <h2 id="headline2">Hello World!</h2>
        <label>Name: <input id="nameIn" type="text" placeholder="Enter you name"></label>
        <button id="helloBtn">Say Hello!</button>
    <!-- 3 -->
        <h2>Square a number</h2>
        <label>Enter a Number: <input id="numIn" type="text"></label>
        <label>Square Value: <input id="sqVal" type="text" disabled></label>
        <button id="sqBtn">Square my number!</button>
        <button id="clearBtn">Clear Results</button>
        // 1
        document.getElementById('headlinebtn').addEventListener('click', function(){
            document.getElementById('mainheadline').innerText = "Hello you changed the headline!";
        // 2
        document.getElementById('helloBtn').addEventListener('click', function(){
            console.log('hello btn worked!');
            let myName = document.getElementById('nameIn').value.trim();
            if (myName === '') {
                alert('You must enter a name!');
            } else {
                document.getElementById('headline2').innerText = 'Hello ' + myName + '!';
                document.getElementById('nameIn').value = '';
        // 3
        function squareMyNumber(){
            console.log('square my number works!');
            let myNumber = document.getElementById('numIn').value.trim();
            if (myNumber === '' || isNaN(Number(myNumber))) {
                alert('You must enter a number to square!');
                document.getElementById('numIn').value = '';
                document.getElementById('sqVal').value = '';
            } else {
                document.getElementById('sqVal').value = myNumber * myNumber;
        document.getElementById('sqBtn').addEventListener('click', squareMyNumber);
        document.getElementById('clearBtn').addEventListener('click', function(){
            document.getElementById('numIn').value = '';
                document.getElementById('sqVal').value = '';
DOM Event Handler Demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>DOM Event Handler Demo</title>
        .btn {
            padding: 25px;
            background-color: red;
            cursor: pointer;
    <!-- Event Method #1 -->
        function clickMethod1(text) {
    <div class="btn" onclick="clickMethod1('I was clicked with method 1!')">Click Me for Method 1!</div>
    <!-- Event Method #2 -->
    <div class="btn" id="method2" style="background-color: blue;">Click Me for Method 2!</div>
        // document.getElementById('method2').onclick = function() {
        //     console.log('I was clicked with method 2');
        //     alert('I was clicked with method 2!');
        // };
        function alertMe(text) {
        let el = document.getElementById('method2');
        el.onclick = function(evt){
            alertMe('I was clicked with method 2!');
    <!-- Event Method #3 -->
    <div class="btn" id="method3" style="background-color: green;">Click Me for Method 3!</div>
        document.getElementById('method3').addEventListener('click', function(){
            console.log('I was clicked with method 3!');
            alert('I was clicked with method 3!');
        function method3(evt){
            console.log('Second event of method 3');
            alert('second event on method 3');
        document.getElementById('method3').addEventListener('click', method3);

# Quiz 4

  1. You must use dot notation to access a property of an object in JavaScript.

  2. The DOM selection method querySelector will return all the elements on a page that match the css selector passed to the method.

  3. An object can not be the value of a property of an object in JavaScript.

  4. Which of the answers is not a primitave value in JavaScript?

    • undefined
    • integer
    • bigint
    • object
  5. You access values from an HTML form control using the value DOM propery of the element.

  6. Which JavaScript method of defining an event handler allow you to define multiple handlers for the same event on the same element?

    • attribute on an HTML element
    • method attached to a DOM object property
    • using the addEventListener method