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# JSON JSON is JavaScript Object Notation Lightweight data exchange format that is easily for humans to read or write 轻量级数据交换格式,便于人类读写 Plain text format that is language independent but was based on a subset of JavaScript language syntax 独立于语言但基于 JavaScript 语言语法子集的纯文本格式 Usable in most languages so...
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# Part ONE: Review the approach to location and scale problems for one and two populations For inference on population mean, which of the following could we potentially use? Choose all apply The normal distribution (with the Z statistic) The t-distribution (with the T statistic) The chi-square...
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# Overview 概述 Statistics (e.g. sample mean, sample variance, etc) are functions of random variables and therefore are also random variables themselves. 统计量(例如样本均值、样本方差等)是随机变量的函数,因此本身也是随机变量。 The distributions of the these statistics are called sampling distributions. 这些统计量的分布称为抽样分布。 Our inferred...
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# Objectives 目标 Understand the difference between Point Estimate and Interval Estimate 了解点估计和区间估计的区别 Know how to use R to construct a confidence interval on Mean/Proportion , Difference of Two Means/Proportions, Variance and Ratio of Variances 知道如何使用 R 构建均值 / 比例、两个均值 / 比例的差值、方差和方差比的置信区间 # Point...
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# Namespace Variable names need to be unique 变量名必须是唯一的 All variables by default are placed in the global window namespace when defined normally with the var keyword unless defined inside a function . Functional Scope, changes some with ES6+ let and const 默认情况下,所有变量使用 var 关键字定义的变量,都放置在全局 window...
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# Objectives Understand Central Limit Theorem and when it can be used 了解中心极限定理以及何时可以使用 Know the sampling distribution of the sample mean, the difference between two means, the sample variance, and the ratio of two sample variances 知道样本均值的抽样分布,两个均值的差值,样本方差,以及两个样本方差的比值 Understand ttt , χ2\chi^2χ2 ,...
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# Document Object Model (DOM) 文档对象模型 Object representation of a HTML or XML Document in memory 内存中 HTML 或 XML 文档的对象表示 All elements are represented by objects 所有元素都由对象表示 DOM is an API that can be used in many languages DOM 是一种可以在多种语言中使用的 API JavaScript uses DOM scripting to modify the elements on a...
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# Objectives 目标 Know how to standardize the numeric variables 知道如何标准化数值变量 Know how to choose the optimal visualization tool to analyze the covariation of two variables 知道如何选择最佳的可视化工具来分析两个变量的协变 # Reading Materials 阅读材料 Chapter 7, R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham,...
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# 每日一练 识别和记录为完成项目可交付成果而必须采取的具体行动,是以下哪一个过程关注的内容? 规划进度管理 定义活动 排列活动顺序 创建 WBS 书 PMBOK 第六版 P183:定义活动是识别和记录为完成项目可交付成果而须采取的具体行动的过程。主要作用是将工作包分解为进度活动。 项目里程碑清单是? 由每个相关方生成的 所有项目活动的一系列工期 进度基准 所有里程碑,包括强制的和可选的 书 PMBOK 第六版 P186:“里程碑清单列出了所有项目里程碑, 并指明每个里程碑是强制性的(如合同要求的)还是选择性的(如根据历史信息确定的)”。 一个项目最可能的工期为 10...