# Question

  1. In which document described in IEEE 829 would you find instructions for the steps to be taken for a test including set-up, logging, environment and measurement?
    在 IEEE 829 中描述的哪个文档中能找到有关测试要采取的步骤的说明,包括设置、日志记录、环境和测量?

    • Test plan 测试计划
    • Test design specification 测试设计规范
    • Test case specification 测试用例规范
    • Test procedure specification 测试程序规范
  2. With a highly experienced tester with a good business background, which approach to defining test procedures would be effective and most efficient for a project under severe time pressure?

    • A high-level outline of the test conditions and general steps to take. 测试条件的高级概述和要采取的一般步骤。
    • Every step in the test spelled out in detail. 测试中的每个步骤都详细说明。
    • A high-level outline of the test conditions with the steps to take discussed in detail with another experienced tester. 与另一位有经验的测试人员详细讨论的测试条件的高级概述以及要采取的步骤。
    • Detailed documentation of all test cases and careful records of each step taken in the testing. 所有测试用例的详细文档和测试中采取的每个步骤的仔细记录。
  3. Put the test cases that implement the following test conditions into the best order for the test execution schedule, for a test that is checking modifications of customers on a database.

    1. Print modified customer record. 打印修改后的客户记录。
    2. Change customer address: house number and street name. 更改客户地址:门牌号和街道名称。
    3. Capture and print the on-screen error message. 捕获并打印屏幕上的错误消息。
    4. Change customer address: postal code. 更改客户地址:邮政编码。
    5. Confirm existing customer is on the database by opening that record. 通过打开该记录确认现有客户在数据库中。
    6. Close the customer record and close the database. 关闭客户记录并关闭数据库。
    7. Try to add a new customer with no details at all. 尝试添加一个没有任何详细信息的新客户。
    • 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 6
    • 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 7, 3
    • 5, 4, 2, 1, 7, 3, 6
    • 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6
  4. Why are both specification-based and structure-based testing techniques useful?

    • They find different types of defect. 他们发现了不同类型的缺陷。
    • Using more techniques is always better. 使用更多的技术总是更好。
    • Both find the same types of defect. 两者都发现了相同类型的缺陷。
    • Because specifications tend to be unstructured. 因为规范往往是非结构化的。
  5. What is a key characteristic of structurebased testing techniques?

    • They are mainly used to assess the structure of a specification. 它们主要用于评估规范的结构。
    • They are used both to measure coverage and to design tests to increase coverage. 它们既用于测量覆盖率,也用于设计测试以增加覆盖率。
    • They are based on the skills and experience of the tester. 它们基于测试人员的技能和经验。
    • They use a formal or informal model of the software or component. 他们使用正式或非正式的软件或组件模型。
  6. Which of the following would be an example of decision-table testing for a financial application applied at the system-test level?

    • A table containing rules for combinations of inputs to two fields on a screen. 包含屏幕上两个字段输入组合规则的表格。
    • A table containing rules for interfaces between components. 包含组件之间接口规则的表。
    • A table containing rules for mortgage applications. 包含抵押申请规则的表格。
    • A table containing rules for chess. 包含国际象棋规则的表格。
  7. Which of the following could be a coverage measure for state transition testing?

    V - All states have been reached. 已达到所有状态。
    W - The response time for each transaction is adequate. 每个事务的响应时间是足够的。
    X - Every transition has been exercised. 每个过渡都已执行。
    Y - All boundaries have been exercised. 所有边界都已被行使。
    Z - Specific sequences of transitions have been exercised. 已经使用了特定的转换序列。

    • X, Y and Z
    • V, X, Y and Z
    • W, X and Y
    • V, X and Z
  8. Postal rates for 'light letters' are 25p up to 10g, 35p up to 50g plus an extra 10p for each additional 25g up to 100g. Which test inputs (in grams) would be selected using equivalence partitioning?
    “light letters” 的邮费 10g 是 25 便士,50g 以内 35 便士,另外每增加 25g 最多 100 g 需额外支付 10 便士。 使用等价划分将选择哪些测试输入(以克为单位)?

    • 8, 42, 82, 102
    • 4, 15, 65, 92, 159
    • 10, 50, 75, 100
    • 5, 20, 40, 60, 80
  9. Which of the following could be used to assess the coverage achieved for specification-based (black-box) test techniques?

    V - Decision outcomes exercised 执行的决策结果
    W - Partitions exercised 分区已执行
    X - Boundaries exercised 边界行使
    Y - State transitions exercised 状态转换已执行
    Z - Statements exercised 语句已执行

    • V, W, Y or Z
    • W, X or Y
    • V, X or Z
    • W, X, Y or Z
  10. Which of the following would structure-based test design techniques be most likely to be applied to?

    1. Boundaries between mortgage interest rate bands. 抵押贷款利率区间的界限。
    2. An invalid transition between two different arrears statuses. 两种不同欠款状态之间的无效转换。
    3. The business process flow for mortgage approval. 抵押审批业务流程。
    4. Control flow of the program to calculate repayments. 控制程序的流程以计算还款。
    • 2, 3 and 4
    • 2 and 4
    • 3 and 4
    • 1, 2 and 3
  11. Use case testing is useful for which of the following?

    P - Designing acceptance tests with users or customers. 与用户或客户一起设计验收测试。
    Q - Making sure that the mainstream business processes are tested. 确保主流业务流程经过测试。
    R - Finding defects in the interaction between components. 在组件之间的交互中发现缺陷。
    S - Identifying the maximum and minimum values for every input field. 确定每个输入字段的最大值和最小值。
    T - Identifying the percentage of statements exercised by a sets of tests. 确定一组测试执行的语句的百分比。

    • P, Q and R
    • Q, S and T
    • P, Q and S
    • R, S and T
  12. Which of the following statements about the relationship between statement coverage and decision coverage is correct?

    • 100% decision coverage is achieved if statement coverage is greater than 90%. 如果语句覆盖率大于 90%,则达到 100% 的决策覆盖率。
    • 100% statement coverage is achieved if decision coverage is greater than 90%. 如果判定覆盖率大于 90%,则达到 100% 的语句覆盖率。
    • 100% decision coverage always means 100% statement coverage. 100% 决策覆盖率始终意味着 100% 语句覆盖率。
    • 100% statement coverage always means 100% decision coverage. 100% 语句覆盖率总是意味着 100% 决策覆盖率。
  13. If you are flying with an economy ticket, there is a possibility that you may get upgraded to business class, especially if you hold a gold card in the airline’s frequent flier program. If you don’t hold a gold card, there is a possibility that you will get ‘bumped’ off the flight if it is full and you check in late. This is shown in Figure 4.5. Note that each box (i.e. statement) has been numbered.
    如果您使用经济舱机票,您可能会升级到商务舱,特别是如果您持有航空公司飞行常客计划的金卡。 如果您没有持有金卡,那么如果航班已满并且您迟到,您可能会被要求让出机位。 如图 4.5 所示。 请注意,每个方框(即声明)都已编号。

    Three tests have been run: 已经运行了三个测试:
    Test 1: Gold card holder who gets upgraded to business class.
    测试 1:金卡持有人升级到商务舱。
    Test 2: Non-gold card holder who stays in economy.
    测试 2:非金卡持有人留在经济舱。
    Test 3: A person who is bumped from the flight.
    测试 3:从飞机上被要求让出机位的人。

    What is the statement coverage of these three tests?

    • 60%
    • 70%
    • 80%
    • 90%
  14. Why are error guessing and exploratory testing good to do?

    • They can find defects missed by specification-based and structure-based techniques. 他们可以发现基于规范和基于结构的技术遗漏的缺陷。
    • They don’t require any training to be as effective as formal techniques. 他们不需要任何培训就能像正式技术一样有效。
    • They can be used most effectively when there are good specifications. 当有良好的规格时,它们可以最有效地使用。
    • They will ensure that all of the code or system is tested. 他们将确保所有代码或系统都经过测试。
  15. How do experience-based techniques differ from specification-based techniques?

    • They depend on the tester’s understanding of the way the system is structured rather than on a documented record of what the system should do. 它们依赖于测试人员对系统结构方式的理解,而不是系统应该做什么的文档记录。
    • They depend on having older testers rather than younger testers. 他们依赖年长的测试人员而不是年轻的测试人员。
    • They depend on a documented record of what the system should do rather than on an individual’s personal view. 它们依赖于系统应该做什么的文件记录,而不是个人的观点。
    • They depend on an individual’s personal view rather than on a documented record of what the system should do. 它们依赖于个人的个人观点,而不是系统应该做什么的文档记录。
  16. When choosing which technique to use in a given situation, which factors should be taken into account?

    U - Previous experience of types of defects found in this or similar systems. 在此系统或类似系统中发现的缺陷类型的先前经验。
    V - The existing knowledge of the testers. 测试人员的现有知识。
    W - Regulatory standards that apply. 适用的监管标准。
    X - The type of test execution tool that will be used. 将使用的测试执行工具的类型。
    Y - The documentation available. 可用的文档。
    Z - Previous experience in the development language. 以前的开发语言经验。

    • V, W, Y and Z
    • U, V, W and Y
    • U, X and Y
    • V, W and Y
  17. Given the state diagram in Figure 4.6, which test case is the minimum series of valid transitions to cover every state?
    给出图 4.6 中的状态图,哪个测试用例是覆盖每个状态的最小有效转换系列?

    • SS – S1 – S2 – S4 – S1 – S3 – ES
    • SS – S1 – S2 – S3 – S4 – ES
    • SS – S1 – S2 – S4 – S1 – S3 – S4 – S1 – S3 – ES
    • SS – S1 – S4 – S2 – S1 – S3 – ES

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