# Learning objectives

  • Causes of MS
  • Cardiac changes in MS
  • Assessing MS severity
  • Wilkins score/commissural calcification score.

# Role of Echocardiography

  • Confirmation of diagnosis and aetiology of MS
    MS 的诊断和病因确认
  • Quantification of MS severity
    MS 严重程度的量化
  • Assessment of MS complications
    MS 并发症的评估
  • Analysis of valve anatomy to determine suitability for percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty/surgery.
    分析瓣膜解剖,以确定是否适合经皮二尖瓣膜成形术 / 外科手术

# Cardiac Changes in MS

Right Heart Failure
Hepatic Congestion 肝淤血
Raised JVP 颈静脉压升高
Tricuspid Regurgitation 三尖瓣反流
RA Enlargement 右房扩大

Pulmonary HTN 肺动脉高压
Pulmonary Congestion 肺淤血
LA Enlargement 左房增大
Atrial Fibrillation 心房颤动
LA Thrombus 左房血栓
LA Pressure ↑ 左房压升高

RV Pressure Overload 右室压力负荷过大
RV Failure 右室衰竭

LV Filling ↓ 左室充盈下降

# Causes of Mitral Stenosis

  • Rheumatic heart disease is the most common cause (85%)
    风湿性心脏病是最常见的原因 (85%)
  • Mitral Annular calcification in 12.5%
  • Carcinoid heart disease - Predominantly regurgitation
    类癌性心脏病 - 主要为反流
  • Post MV repair
  • Congenital (0.6%)
  • Rarer: Fabry's, mucopolysaccharidosis, methysergide therapy.

# Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis 风湿性二尖瓣狭窄

  • Thickening of leaflet edges is the first change in rheumatic MS
    瓣叶边缘增厚是风湿性 MS 的第一个变化

  • Fusion of commissures is pathognomonic

  • Chordae shortening and fusion

  • Systolic apical displacement of the leaflet closure line in relation to the mitral annular plane

  • Calcific deposits

  • Diastolic doming of the anterior MV leaflet
    舒张期 LAX,二尖瓣瓣前叶的穹隆样改变

  • Fish mouth appearance of the MV in diastole
    舒张期 SAX,MV 的鱼嘴样形态

  • Hockey stick appearance of the anterior MV leaflet

  • Funnel shape due to complete loss of mobility in the late stages of rheumatic MS.

# Mitral Annulus Calcification 二尖瓣环钙化

因为 MAC 导致狭窄甚至换瓣的病例并不多

  • Chronic degenerative process in the fibrous base of the mitral valve (commonly in posterior MV annulus)
    慢性退行性变(的钙化)通常位于二尖瓣瓣叶根部的纤维组织 (常见于二尖瓣后瓣环)
  • MAC is echodense with irregular/lumpy appearance
    MAC 表现为回声密集增强,外观不规则 / 团块状
  • Associated with acoustic shadow.
Grading MAC[1]厚度密度


< 4mm thickness

limited echodensity of MV annulus


< 4mm thickness

echodensity of≤ 12\frac{1}{2} of annular ring circumference


> 4mm thickness

> 12\frac{1}{2} annular ring circumference

  • May be accompanied by increase in MPG when restricted anterior MV leaflet.

# Congenital Mitral Stenosis 先天性二尖瓣狭窄

  • Rare (0.6%) 很少见
  • Combined with other congenital defects
  • Parachute mitral valve - Mitral chordae insert into one papillary muscle [2][3]
    降落伞样二尖瓣 - 二尖瓣腱索仅附着在一个乳头肌上,瓣叶增厚呈现强回声改变
  • Double orifice - Two valve orifices with two separate subvalvular apparatus [4]
    双孔二尖瓣 - 带有两套独立的瓣下装置
  • Annulus hypoplasia 瓣环发育不全

    • Hypoplastic left heart with mitral annulus hypoplasia resulting in severe mitral stenosis.

  • Associated with complete mitral valve hypoplasia.

# Assessing MS severity 严重程度评估

  1. M mode
  2. MVA Planimetry MVA 平面测量法
  3. Mean pressure gradient 平均压差
  4. Pressure Half-Time 压力减半时间


# M mode

  • Visual assessment of the degree of excursion and leaflet mobility
  • Best assessed in parasternal long axis (leaflets perpendicular)
  • Decreased E-F slope/decreased D-E excursion
    E-F 斜率减小 / D-E 漂移减小
  • Poor leaflet separation.
  • An M-mode echocardiogram from the parasternal long axis, with the m-mode pick directed through the mitral valve leaflets.
    胸骨旁长轴的 M 型超声心动图,M 型采样线放在二尖瓣叶尖。

  • One may appreciate the approximated mitral valve leaflets at the beginning of diastole (D) swing apart, with the cephalad and anterior excursion of the anterior leaflet contacting the septum at its peak excursion (E).

  • As the pressure gradient between the left atrium and left ventricle begins to decline towards diastasis, the valves return toward their nuclear position (F).
    随着左心房和左心室之间的压力梯度开始向舒张下降,瓣膜返回其核心位置 (F)。

  • Their path is then reversed by atrial contraction (A), and thereafter trend toward one another until ventricular systole forces rapid coaptation.
    然后它们的路径被心房收缩逆转 (A),然后彼此趋向,直到心室收缩迫使快速接合。

  • Anatomy is labelled as RVOT (right ventricular outflow tract), IVS (interventricular septum), LV (left ventricle), and LVPW (left ventricular posterior wall).
    解剖学标记为 RVOT(右心室流出道)、IVS(室间隔)、LV(左心室)和 LVPW(左心室后壁)。

  • Historically, the E-F and A-C slopes were sought as barometers of left ventricular function.
    EF 和 AC 斜率被寻求作为左心室功能的晴雨表。

  • Mitral stenosis would classically decrease the E-F slope in the context of an enlarged left atrium, while the latter would be interrupted by a positive deflection ("B bump") in the presence of elevated left ventricular filling pressures.
    在左心房扩大的情况下,二尖瓣狭窄通常会降低 EF 斜率,而在左心室充盈压力升高的情况下,后者会被正偏转(“B 凸点”)打断。

  • While the aforementioned parameters are no longer used routinely, E point septal separation (EPSS), the distance between the anterior MV leaflet at its most anterior opening excursion (the E point) and the interventricular septum is a reproducible, quick, and highly sensitive measure of severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
    虽然上述参数不再常规使用,但 E 点间隔分离 (EPSS)、前 MV 瓣叶在其最前开口偏移处(E 点)与室间隔之间的距离是一种可重复、快速且高度敏感的测量方法严重的左心室收缩功能障碍。

  • Indeed, both the diastolic excursion of the mitral leaflets and the subsequent degree of closure during systole are intimately related to the vigor of left ventricular systole.

  • 重度二尖瓣狭窄时,失去了 E-F,前后叶形成的锯齿样的图消失,变成了长方形样的图,EF Slope 斜率变得非常平缓;后叶的运动不再和前叶相反,而是类似的方向运动;D 和 E 的漂移明显缩短。

# Mean Pressure Gradient

  • The mean pressure difference between the LA and LV
  • Assessed in apical 4 chamber
  • Continuous wave doppler at MV annulus
  • Trace around MV inflow above the baseline
Mild< 5mmHg
Severe> 10mmHg
  • Affected by: 受以下因素影响:
    • Decrease in MPG: 偏低

      • LA dilatation/ diastolic dysfunction
        左房扩张 / 舒张期功能障碍
      • Slow heart rate
      • Aortic regurgitation
    • Increase in MPG: 偏高

      • Rapid Heart rate
      • Increased transvalvular flow e.g. MR.

# Mitral Valve Area

# Planimetry 平面测量

  • Assessed in PSAX at basal level 在 PSAX 基底水平进行评估
  • Trace inner edge of MV orifice in mid-diastole
  • Measure at the leaflet tips.

  • Limitations: 限制

    • May not image true orifice
    • High gain = overestimate MS
      高增益 = 高估 MS
    • Low gain = underestimate MS
      低增益 = 低估 MS
    • 对操作者经验要求较高,对于有严重钙化的患者不太推荐
  • 优点:

    • Best correlations to anatomic MV area
    • Less dependant on flow, heart rate and chamber compliance
    • Not influenced by concomitant MR
      不受合并的 MR 的影响
    • Most reliable tool to estimate MS after percutaneous balloon mitral commissurotomy.

# 3D Echo Planimetry 三维超声优化

  • Allows optimisation of the position of the sagittal plane in relation to the MV orifice which increases the accuracy

# Pressure Half Time (PHT)

  • Interval in ms between the maximum mitral gradient and when the gradient is half the initial value.

  • Assessed in apical 4 chamber

  • CW at mitral valve annulus
    二尖瓣环处的 CW

  • Estimation of MVA using PHT
    使用 PHT 估算 MVA

    220PHT=MVA\frac{220}{\text{PHT}}= \text{MVA}

斜率越陡峭,PHT 越短,MVA 越大
斜率平缓,时间延长,PHT 显著增加,MVA 越小
测量时,左侧的起点星型标记放在 E 峰顶点,直线顺着减速的斜坡进行测量,忽略了 A 波的峰值。
PHT 对频谱形态要求较高,当出现凹凸不平或者出现凹陷,会导致测量困难及不精确,这是局限性之一

  • Limitations of PHT
    • Cannot be used post percutaneous balloon mitral commissurotomy

    • Rapid LA pressure decline shortens PHT, e.g. ASD, stiff LA
      左房压力快速下降会缩短 PHT,例如房间隔缺损、左房僵硬

    • Rapid LV pressure rise shortens PHT, e.g. AR, diastolic dysfunction.
      左室压力快速升高会缩短 PHT,例如主动脉瓣反流、舒张功能障碍。

    • All factors that affect pressure half time shorten it.

    • May lead to overestimation of MVA but PHT can never be underestimated. Therefore, if PHT >220ms, the MS is severe.
      可能导致高估 MVA,但 PHT 永远不会被低估。因此,如果 PHT > 220ms,MS 是重度的。

MVA=220PHT\text{MVA} = \frac{220}{\text{PHT}}

Normal4-6 cm2
Mild MVA1.5-2.5 cm2
Moderate MVA1.0-1.5 cm2
Severe MVA< 1.0 cm2


# Continuity Equation 连续方程

  • Can be used if there is discordance between other methods
  • Estimate functional MV area (instead of anatomic MV area)
    估计功能性 MV 面积 (而不是解剖性 MV 面积)
  • Doppler volumetric method cannot be used in the presence of more than mild AR or MR.
    在存在超过轻度 AR 或 MR 的情况下,不能使用多普勒容积法。

Mitral Flow=LVOT Flow\text{Mitral Flow } = \text{LVOT Flow }

MV CSA 截面面积×MV VTI=LVOT CSA×LVOT VTI\text{MV CSA 截面面积} \times \text{MV VTI} = \text{LVOT CSA} \times \text{LVOT VTI}

MVA=0.785×diameter2×LVOT VTIMVVTI\textbf{MVA} =\frac{0.785 \times \text { diameter }^{2} \times \text { LVOT VTI }}{\textbf { MV VTI }}

  • Mitral valve area by continuity equation [5]
    • (a) parasternal long-axis view to measure the left ventricular outflow tract diameter = 1.96 cm
    • (b) A4C view to measure mitral stenosis velocity time integral = 74.9 cm,
      A4C 切面测量二尖瓣狭窄速度时间积分 (斜率测量线放置参见前述)
    • (c) A5C view to measure left ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral = 17.4 cm
      A5C 切面测量左室流出道速度时间积分

mitral valve area=0.785×1.96×1.96×17.474.9=0.7cm2\text{mitral valve area} = \frac{0.785 \times 1.96 \times 1.96 \times 17.4}{74.9} = 0.7 cm^{2}

# Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area (PISA)

  • Can be used to calculate MV area
  • Zoom in at MV leaflets 在瓣叶水平放大
  • Aliasing velocity to 30-40cm/s 上移混叠速度(与 MR 相反)
  • Freeze in diastole 在舒张期冻结
  • PISA measured at the atrial side 在心房侧测量 PISA

MVA=2π(MS PISA radius)2×aliasing velocityMS Vmax×leaflet angle180\text { MVA }=2 \pi \text { (MS PISA radius) }{ }^{2} \times \frac{\text { aliasing velocity }}{\text {MS Vmax }} \times \frac{\text { leaflet angle }}{180}

  • Calculation of mitral valve area (MVA) by different methods; 用不同方法计算二尖瓣面积(MVA)[6]
    • A, proximal isovelcoity surface area method (PISA), 近端等速表面积法(PISA)
    • B: pressure half time method (PHT), 压力半时间法(PHT)
    • C, the planimetry method (PLN), 平面测量法(PLN)
    • D, an example of calculation of MVA by different methods showing good agreement between PLN, PISAconventional and PISAsimple, which was not the case for PHT.
      MVA 计算示例通过不同的方法显示 PLN、PISA 常规和 PISA 简单之间的良好一致性,而 PHT 并非如此
    • r (cm) is the radius of the PISA cap, Val (cm/s) is the aliasing velocity of color Doppler, Vmax (cm/s) is the maximal velocity across the mitral valve in early diastole (i.e. maximum velocity of the E-wave), and α (degree) is the mitral valve angle.
      r (cm) 是 PISA 帽的半径,Val (cm/s) 是彩色多普勒的混叠速度,Vmax (cm/s) 是舒张早期穿过二尖瓣的最大速度(即 E 波),α(度)是二尖瓣角。

# Mitral Leaflet Separation Index 瓣叶分离指数

  • Distance between the tips of the mitral leaflets in PLAX
    PLAX 二尖瓣前后瓣叶之间的距离
  • Semi-quantitative method for MS severity
    MS 严重程度的半定量方法
  • Not accurate in patients with heavily calcified mitral valve or post valvuloplasty.

  • The MLS index is obtained by averaging the maximal diastolic leaflet separation distance at the tips of the leaflets in parasternal long-axis (A) and (B) four-chamber views. [7]
    MLS 指数由胸骨旁长轴切面 (A) 和四腔切面 (B) 瓣叶顶端的最大舒张期瓣叶间隔距离平均得到。
1.2cm or morenon-severe MS
0.8cm or lesssevere MS

# 干预指证

# Stress Echocardiography 运动负荷超声心动图

  • Exercise testing is indicated in:
    • Patients with equivocal symptoms
    • Changes in transmitral pressure gradient and PASP during exercise can help select patients for intervention
      运动中二尖瓣压差和 PASP 的变化有助于选择患者进行干预
    • MPG increase to >15mmHg during exercise = severe MS
      运动期间 MPG 增加到 > 15mmHg = 严重 MS
    • PASP > 60mmHg on exercise is an indication for MVR.
      运动时 PASP>60 mmHg 是二尖瓣置换的指征。

# Wilkins Score 威尔金斯评分

  • Used to assess if percutaneous balloon mitral commissurotomy is suitable [8]
  • Combined score above 8 Suggests the valve may not be amenable to valvuloplasty
    综合评分高于 8 分表明该瓣膜可能无法接受瓣膜成形术。
Apical 4CH14
Leaflet mobilitymobileimmobile
Leaflet thickeningNormal less than 5mmSevere thickening >8-10mm
Leaflet calcificationNo bright echoesExtensive brightness
Subvalvular involvementMinimal thickening below leaflet tipsThickening of all chordal structures

# Commissural Calcification Score 交界区钙化评分

  • Useful predictor of outcome in PBMC
    PBMC 经皮二尖瓣球囊扩张术结果预测的有用指标
    • Each half commissure is given a score of 1 if bright echo signal(PSAX Mitral Leaflets)
      如果有明亮的回声信号,每个半个交界处的分数为 1
    • Total score graded from 0 - 4 (O = no calcification; 4 = severe calcification)
      总分从 0 到 4 (0 = 无钙化;4 = 严重钙化)
    • Commissural calcification score of 0-2 predicts higher valve areas post-PBMC
      交界区钙化评分 0-2 预示 PBMC 术后瓣膜面积增加
    • Good predictor of severe MR post PBMC.
      PBMC 后严重 MR 的良好预测指标

  • Commissural calcifications were calculated by assigning each half of the commissures (anterolateral and posteromedial) with detectable high intensity echo brightness with a score of 1. Commissural calcifications ranged from grade 0 (no calcification) to grade 4. [9]
    计算交界区钙化的方法是将每半个交界 (前外侧和后内侧) 分区,可检测到高强度的回声亮度则得分为 1。交界区钙化的范围从 0 级 (无钙化) 到 4 级。
    • (A) Both commissures were completely calcified. 两个交界区完全钙化。
    • (B) An example where half the commissure is calcified on the left side and the entire commissure is calcified on the right side, then the value is 3.
      例如,左侧交界的一半钙化,右侧整个交界钙化,则该值为 3。
    • (C) 2D PSAX display at the level of the mitral leaflet shows that only 1 commissure is completely calcified, whereas the other commissures do not show calcification.
      二尖瓣叶水平的 2D PSAX 检查,只有 1 个交界区完全钙化,其他交界区未显示钙化。
    • (D) Left atrial aspect 3D TEE view. The score calculated in this example is 2.
      左房 3D TEE。本例中计算的分数为 2。
    • ALC = anterolateral commissure; Ao = aorta; PMC = posteromedial commissure.

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