# K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Classifier k - 近邻算法

「机器学习实战」摘录 - k-近邻算法

k - 近邻算法采用测量不同特征值之间的距离方法进行分类。

  • 优点:精度高、对异常值不敏感、无数据输入假定。
  • 缺点:计算复杂度高、空间复杂度高。
  • 适用数据范围:数值型和标称型。
  • Problem: Identify which animal the given object it is

  • Features: weights, age, gender, stripes, size, etc

  • KNN classifier is a simple classification algorithm
    KNN 分类器是一种简单的分类算法
    The idea behind is to classify new examples based on their similarity to or distance from examples we have seen before (in training set).

# Build a KNN Classifier

  1. Calculate distances between target and instances in train set
  2. Identify the top-K nearest neighbor (choose an odd number for K!)
    确定前 K 个最近邻居 (为 K 选择一个奇数!)
  3. Predict labels and validate with truth
    • How to predict? 如何预测?
      The predicted class = the majority class label in those neighbors
      预测类 = 这些邻居中的多数类标签

K = 1,距离最近的是 1 号老虎,预测就是老虎
K = 2,前 2 个最近邻居,是 1 号 2 号老虎,预测是老虎
For example, among top 3 picks (K = 3), 2/3 are tigers!!
例如,在前 3 个选择 (K = 3) 中,2/3 是老虎!!
K = 4,前 4 个最近邻居,2/4 是老虎,预测还是老虎
K 值最好选择奇数,偶数可能无法作出判断

# Distance Measures 距离测量

Assume there are n features, and two examples: X and Y

  1. Consider two vectors 定义两个向量

    • Rows in the data matrix 代表数据矩阵中的两行

    X=x1,x2,,xnX=\left\langle x_{1}, x_{2}, \cdots, x_{n}\right\rangle

    Y=y1,y2,,ynY=\left\langle y_{1}, y_{2}, \cdots, y_{n}\right\rangle

    X 和 Y 分别表示两个 object,x1,x2x_{1}, x_{2} 等表示 X 的不同特征的值
    X 和 Y 距离越近,两者越相似

  2. Common Distance Measures 常见距离度量

    • Manhattan distance: ( aggregation of two right angle legs )

    dist(X,Y)=x1y1+x2y2++xnyn\operatorname{dist}(X, Y)=\left|x_{1}-y_{1}\right|+\left|x_{2}-y_{2}\right|+\cdots+\left|x_{n}-y_{n}\right|

    • Euclidean distance: ( length of hypotenuse )

    dist(X,Y)=(x1y1)2++(xnyn)2\operatorname{dist}(X, Y)=\sqrt{\left(x_{1}-y_{1}\right)^{2}+\cdots+\left(x_{n}-y_{n}\right)^{2}}


用 Manhattan distance 做练习
先按公式,计算 p1 和其他四个之间的距离值
设定 K = 3,则从小到大取 3 个,分别是 p3、p5、p2
这三个的 class 分别为 Y、N、N,可见大多数都是 N,因此 p1 的预测值为 N
而实际 p1 的 class 是 Y,所以预测值是错误的

# General Questions for Classifications

  • What are the required data types by an algorithm
  • Is there an overfitting problem?
  • Is there a training learning process?

# KNN: Features must be numerical

Answer: Convert a categorical feature to binary features

# KNN: Features must be normalized

Feature normalization is used to convert values in a feature to the same scales with values in other features.

Answer: Yes, normalization is required, otherwise, the distance calculation will be influenced by the larger features!!!!

Min-max normalization: transformation from OldValue to NewValue
最小 - 最大标准化:从 OldValue 到 NewValue 的转换

NewValue=NewMin+OldValueOldMinOldMaxOldMin×(NewMaxNewMin)\text { NewValue }=\text { NewMin }+\frac{\text { OldValue }-\text { OldMin }}{\text { OldMax }-\text { OldMin }} \times(\text { NewMax }-\text { NewMin })

# KNN: Overfitting Problem

  • K value cannot be too small => overfitting!
    K 值不能太小 => 过拟合!
    You make decisions based on a small neighborhood
    It is possible to have bias in the model!
  • K value cannot be too large => underfitting!
    K 值不能太大 => 欠拟合!
    You make decisions based on a large neighborhood
  • How to find the best K?
    如何找到最好的 K?
    • Try different K values in your experiments
      在实验中尝试不同的 K 值
      Do not always try 1, 3, 5, …, consider size of the data
      不要总是尝试 1、3、5,…,考虑数据的大小
      数据量大的话不需要从小的 K 值开始
    • Evaluate them in the correct strategy, and observe classification performance

# KNN: Learning Process?

  • KNN is a lazy learned. There are no learning process
    KNN 是一个懒惰学习者。没有学习过程
  • A learning process must have optimizations or loss functions
  • In KNN, we do not have optimization objective and methods. => machine learning
    在 KNN 中,我们没有优化目标和方法。=> 机器学习

# Summary

  • K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Classifier
    A simple classifier, a lazy learner

    1. Choose an odd number for K
    2. Calculate distances between target and instances in training set
    3. Pick the top KNN and assign the majority label as prediction
  • Extended Problems in Classification Algorithms
    Q1. required data types?
    Q2. Is there an overfitting problem?
    Q3. Is there a learning process?

Note: they are general concerns in classification, not only KNN.

KNN Classifier

  • Lazy classifier 懒惰分类
  • Have to specify the value of K (cannot be too small or large) 必须指定 K 值,不能太小或太大
  • Cannot handle categorical data, have to transform data 不能处理标称型数据,必须转换数据

# Naïve Bayes Classifier 朴素贝叶斯

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 朴素贝叶斯


  • 优点:在数据较少的情况下仍然有效,可以处理多类别问题。
  • 缺点:对于输入数据的准备方式较为敏感。
  • 适用数据类型:标称型数据。
  • It is a probabilistic learning process
    • It is a simple classification algorithm too
    • You should have some preliminary knowledge about probability
    • There are some requirements to use the Naïve Bayes classifier

# Basic Concepts In Probability 概率论的基本概念

# P(AB)P(A \mid B)

P(AB)P(A \mid B) is the probability of A given B; conditional probability
P(AB)P(A \mid B) 是 A 给定 B 的概率;条件概率

ColorWeight (lbs)StripesTiger?

There are 10 examples here.
A: tiger = yes
B: color = orange

P(A)=4/10=0.4P(A) = 4/10 = 0.4

P(B)=5/10=0.5P(B) = 5/10 = 0.5

ColorWeight (lbs)StripesTiger?

P(AB)=1/5P(A \mid B) = 1/5

A 给定 B,假设 B 为 true 时 A 也为 true 的概率
先看 B color = orange 共有 5 条,再看同事满足 A tiger = yes 的只有 1 条

# P(AB)P(A \wedge B)

Assumes that B is all and only information known.
假设 B 是所有且唯一已知的信息。

Defined by:

P(AB)=P(AB)P(B)P(A \mid B)=\frac{P(A \wedge B)}{P(B)}

Bayes’s Rule: Direct corollary of above definition

P(AB)=P(AB)P(A)=P(BA)=P(BA)P(B)P(AB)=P(A)P(BA)P(B)\begin{array}{l} P(A \wedge B)=\frac{P(A \mid B)}{P(A)}=P(B \wedge A)=\frac{P(B \mid A)}{P(B)} \\ \Rightarrow P(A \mid B)=\frac{P(A) P(B \mid A)}{P(B)} \end{array}

# P(Eci)P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)

  • Let set of classes be {c1,c2,cn}\left\{c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots c_{n}\right\}, e.g., c1=tigerc_{1} = tiger , c2=lionc_{2} = lion
  • Let EE be description of an example (e.g., a vector with feature values)
    EE 是一个例子的描述 (例如,具有特征值的向量)
  • Determine class of EE by computing for each class cic_{i}
    通过计算每个类cic_{i} 来确定EE 的类(贝叶斯法则)

P(ciE)=P(ci)P(Eci)P(E)P\left(c_{i} \mid E\right)=\frac{P\left(c_{i}\right) P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)}{P(E)}

  • P(E)P(E) can be determined since classes are complete and disjoint:
    Probability E P(E)P(E) 可以确定,因为类是完整且不相交的:

i=1nP(ciE)=i=1nP(ci)P(Eci)P(E)=1\sum_{i=1}^{n} P\left(c_{i} \mid E\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{P\left(c_{i}\right) P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)}{P(E)}=1

P(E)=i=1nP(ci)P(Eci)P(E)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} P\left(c_{i}\right) P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)

Note: E is a feature vector, instead of a single feature!!
E 是特征向量,而不是单个特征!!
For example:
c: tiger = yes
E: color = orange, weight = 500 lbs, stripes = yes

E=e1e2emE=e_{1} \wedge e_{2} \wedge \cdots \wedge e_{m}

e1e_{1} 可以表示 color,e2e_{2} 表示 weight,以此类推
m 表示 multiply,有多个特征

  • Assume features are independent given the class (cic_{i}), conditionally independent;
    假定特征给定类 (cic_{i}) 是独立的,条件独立
    Therefore, we then only need to know P(ejcj)\mathrm{P}\left(e_{j} \mid c_{j}\right) for each feature and category IMPORTANT Assumption!!![IMPORTANT Assumption!!!]
    因此,我们只需要知道每个特征和类别的P(ejcj)\mathrm{P}\left(e_{j} \mid c_{j}\right)【重要假设】

    P(Eci)=P(e1e2emci)=j=1mP(ejci)P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)=P\left(e_{1} \wedge e_{2} \wedge \cdots \wedge e_{m} \mid c_{i}\right)=\prod_{j=1}^{m} P\left(e_{j} \mid c_{i}\right)


# Conditional Independence

  • XX is conditionally independent of YY given ZZ, if the probability distribution for XX is independent of the value of YY, given the value of ZZ
    如果XX 的概率分布与YY 的值无关,则XX 在给定ZZ 的情况下有条件地独立于YY
  • Generally, P(X,YZ)=P(XZ)×P(YZ)P(X, Y \mid Z)=P(X \mid Z) \times P(Y \mid Z)

Example 1

Let's say you flip two regular coins:

  • A - Your first coin flip is heads
  • B - Your second coin flip is heads
  • C - Your first two flips were the same

Q1: What is the relationship between A and B?
Independent. Because the result of the first coin could not affect the result of second coin.

Q2: How about [A and B] by given C?
假设 C 是真的,那么 A 和 B 之间的依赖关系是什么
Dependent. Because the C told you that the result for the two coins, they are the same. If it is true, and if we know the result of A definitely, we know the result B.
This example is called conditionally dependent.

Example 2

There are a regular coin and a fake one (two heads)
I randomly choose one of them and toss it twice

  • A - Your first flip is heads
  • B - Your second flip is heads
  • C - Your select a regular coin

Q1: What is the relationship between A and B?
Independent. Here I have two coins. I choose one of them and try to toss it twice. so in this case, I don't know which coin are selected. So probably I select a regular coin, probably I select a fake coin. The result for the first toss and second toss are independent.

Q2: How about [A and B] by given C?
Independent. Because C told you that you have a regular coin. If you select a regular coin, you toss it at one time, toss it two time. So the result of first time cannot affect the result for the second time. so this is called conditionally independent.

# Example

  • c1: tiger = yes; c2: tiger = no
  • E: e1: color = orange, e2: weight = 500 lbs, e3: stripes = yes
ColorWeight (lbs)StripesTiger?

P(c1E)=P(c1)P(Ec1)P(E)P(c_{1} \mid E)=\frac{P(c_{1}) P(E \mid c_{1})}{P(E)}

P(Ec1)=j=1mP(ejc1)P(E \mid c_{1})=\prod_{j=1}^{m} P\left(e_{j} \mid c_{1}\right)

P(e1c1)=1/4=0.25P(e2c1)=3/4=0.75P(e3c1)=4/4=1P(Ec1)=0.250.751=0.1875\begin{array}{l} P(e_{1} \mid c_{1})=1 / 4=0.25 \\ P(e_{2} \mid c_{1})=3 / 4=0.75 \\ P(e_{3} \mid c_{1})=4 / 4=1 \\ P(E \mid c_{1})=0.25 * 0.75 * 1=0.1875 \end{array}

P(e1c2)=4/6=0.667P(e2c2)=1/6=0.167P(e3c2)=2/6=0.333P(Ec2)=0.6670.1670.333=0.0371\begin{array}{l} P(e_{1} \mid c_{2})=4 / 6=0.667 \\ P(e_{2} \mid c_{2})=1 / 6=0.167 \\ P(e_{3} \mid c_{2})=2 / 6=0.333 \\ P(E \mid c_{2})=0.667*0.167*0.333=0.0371 \end{array}

P(E)=i=1nP(ci)P(Eci)P(E)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} P\left(c_{i}\right) P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)

P(c1)=4/10=0.4P(c2)=6/10=0.6P(E)=P(c1)P(Ec1)+P(c2)P(Ec2)=0.09726P(c1E)=0.40.1875/0.09726=0.7711\begin{array}{l} P(c_{1})=4 / 10=0.4 \\ P(c_{2})=6 / 10=0.6 \\ P(E)=P(c_{1}) P(E \mid c_{1})+P(c_{2}) P(E \mid c_{2})=0.09726 \\ P(c_{1} \mid E)=0.4 * 0.1875 / 0.09726=0.7711 \end{array}

P(c2E)=P(c2)P(Ec2)P(E)P(c_{2} \mid E)=\frac{P(c_{2}) P(E \mid c_{2})}{P(E)}

P(c2E)=0.60.0371/0.09726=0.2289P(c_{2} \mid E)=0.6 * 0.0371 / 0.09726=0.2289

P(c1E)>P(c2E)P(c_{1} \mid E)>P(c_{2} \mid E)

We have more confidence to say we should trust c1c_{1}

In other words, EE should be classified as tiger!!!!
换句话说,EE 应该被归类为老虎!

It is very useful. A list of applications:

  • Medical Detection: Given the situation of patients (such as cough, headache, body temp, etc ), make a decision he or she is in disease or not.
    医疗检测:根据患者的情况 (如咳嗽、头痛、体温等),判断是否患病。
  • Gender Classification: Given weights, age, heights, size of feet to judge a person is male or female
  • Social Robots: Given use behaviors on social networks, such as how many posts, how many friends, whether they use real human icons, the daily frequency of posts or friends, to make a decision this account is a real one or a fake one
  • Text Classification : such as news or email classification

# General Questions for Classifications

  • What are the required data types by an algorithm
  • Is there an overfitting problem?
  • Is there a training learning process?

# Naïve Bayes: Categorical Only 仅限标称型变量

Convert Numerical ones to categorical ones 把数值型转换成标称型

Numerical Features

ColorWeight (lbs)StripesTiger?

Weights = 500
Weights > 500
Create two groups

# Naïve Bayes: Overfitting

  • The overfitting issue is alleviated in Naïve Bayes, due to its nature probabilistic model using priori probabilities

  • But it may suffer from imbalance issue significantly

# Imbalance issue 不平衡问题

  • It is a general issue in classification
  • It is not an issue in Naïve Bayes only
  • The issue: imbalance knowledge associated with labels in the training set
  • Example
    • 100 examples, 60 are positive, 40 are negative
      100 例,60 例阳性,40 例阴性
    • 100 examples, 90 are positive, 10 are negative
      100 例,90 例阳性,10 例阴性
  • Solutions: assume we have more positive samples
    • Undersampling [lose information, final data is small]
      欠采样 丢失信息,最终数据较小
      Remove some positive samples in the training
      Try to obtain a balance between positives & negatives
    • Oversampling [may result in overfitting]
      过采样 可能导致过拟合
      Replicate and add more negative data into training
      Try to obtain a balance between positives & negatives


  • 100 examples, 95 are positives, 5 are negatives
    100 个例子,95 个是阳性,5 个是阴性

  • Data split: training 83, testing 17
    数据分割:训练 83,测试 17
    In training set, 80 are positives, 3 are negatives
    在训练集中,80 个是阳性,3 个是阴性

  • Solutions: assume we have more positive samples

    • Undersampling [lose information, final data is small]
      低度取样 [损失信息,最终数据很小]
      Use only 3 positives & 3 negatives in training set
      在训练集中只使用 3 个阳性和 3 个阴性样本
    • Oversampling [may result in overfitting]
      过度取样 [可能导致过度拟合] 。
      Use 80 positives and 80 negatives in training set
      在训练集中使用 80 个阳性和 80 个阴性样本
      Replicate the 3 negatives to have 80 negatives
      复制 3 个阴性,以获得 80 个阴性

These solutions can only apply on training data set here
apply this sampling of the whole data set, then try to split data.
That's not correct. You should split data first.
Then try to double check whether you have an imbalance issue on your training data set.
If yes, you should apply undersampling or oversampling on the training data set only.
Don't change test data set.

# Special Issue in Naïve Bayes

  • Violation of Independence Assumption

    • It may be different to examine the assumptions
    • Nevertheless, naïve Bayes works surprisingly well anyway!
  • Zero conditional probability Problem

    • If no example contains the attribute value, i.e, P(e1c)=0P\left(e_{1} \mid c\right)=0
    • In this circumstance, P(Ec)=0P\left(E \mid c\right)=0 will be zero too during test
      在这种情况下,P(Ec)=0P\left(E \mid c\right)=0 在 test 期间也将为零

      P(Eci)=P(e1e2emci)=j=1mP(ejci)P\left(E \mid c_{i}\right)=P\left(e_{1} \wedge e_{2} \wedge \cdots \wedge e_{m} \mid c_{i}\right)=\prod_{j=1}^{m} P\left(e_{j} \mid c_{i}\right)

    • For a remedy, conditional probabilities estimated with Laplace smoothing

      P(ei=AC=cj)=(nc+mp)/(n+m)P\left(e_{i}=A \mid C=c_{j}\right)=\left(n_{c}+m * p\right) /(n+m)

      • AA is a value in the ii-th feature;
        AA 是第ii 个特征中的值;
      • cjc_{j} is a value in the label
        cjc_{j} 是标签中的值
      • nc=#\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{c}}=\# of training instances for which ei=Ae_{i} = A and C=cjC = c_{j}.
        nc=#\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{c}}=\# 个训练实例,其中 ei=Ae_{i}=AC=cjC=c_{j}
      • n=#n = \# of training instances for which C=cjC = c_{j}.
        n=#n=\# 个训练实例,其中 C=cjC=c_{j}
      • mm = a weight factor, usually m>=1m>=1 and could be big value, for example, the size of your training data
        mm = 权重因子,通常为m>=1m>=1,可以是很大的值,例如,训练数据的大小
      • pp = an estimate or a probability value to decrease mm, usually, we can set pp as 1/t1/t and tt is the number of unqiue values in eie_{i}
        pp = 减少mm 的估计值或概率值,通常,我们可以将pp 设为1/t1/ttteie_{i} 中唯一值的个数

    Note: it is only applied to the P(e1c)P\left(e_{1} \mid c\right) component when it has the zero probability issue
    注意:当P(e1c)P\left(e_{1} \mid c\right) 组件存在零概率问题时,它仅适用于该组件

# Summary

  • Naïve Bayes is a probabilistic classification model
  • It has one assumption: features are conditionally independent with labels
  • Naïve Bayes Classification 朴素贝叶斯分类
    • Require categorical features 需要分类特征
    • Overfitting is not serious 过度拟合不严重
    • There is no learning process, but it may suffer from imbalance issue seriously
    • Special issue: zero probability issue 零概率问题
      Solution: Laplace smoothing 解决方案:拉普拉斯平滑

Naïve Bayes Classifier

  • Assumption: conditionally independent
  • Cannot handle numeric, have to transform data
  • May have serious imbalance issues in labels (general issue in classification)
    标签可能存在严重的不平衡问题 (一般分类问题)

# Classification Evaluation Metrics 分类评价指标

# Accuracy is not the only metric


Take binary classification for example

Confusion Matrix 混淆矩阵

Predicted Labels
Actual Labels+ positive (Yes)- negative (No)
+ positive (Yes)True Positives (TP)False Negatives (FN)
- negative (No)False Positives (FP)True Negatives (TN)

Accuracy=TP+TNAll\text { Accuracy }=\frac{T P + T N}{All}

Error rate=FP+FNAll\text { Error rate }=\frac{F P + F N}{All}

They are just overall metrics

It is possible that a model works well on overall, but very bad on a single label

Overall Acc = 90%, Acc on Positive label = 40%

# metric on positives & negatives

  1. Precision 精确性
    exactness - what % of tuples that the classifier predicted as positive are positive
    精确度 - 分类器预测为正的元组中有多少百分比为正

    precision=TPTP+FP\text { precision }=\frac{T P}{T P+F P}

    TP + FP = total number of predicted as positives
    TP+FP = 预测为阳性的总数

  2. Recall 召回率
    completeness what % of positive tuples did the classifier label as positive?
    完整性 - 分类器将多少百分比的正元组标记为正?

    recall=TPTP+FN\text { recall }=\frac{T P}{T P+F N}

    TP + FN = total number of actual positives
    TP+FN = 实际阳性总数

  3. F measure (F1 or F score) F 度量
    harmonic mean of precision and recall

    F=2×precision×recallprecision+recallF=\frac{2 \times \text { precision } \times \text { recall }}{\text { precision }+\text { recall }}

  4. Sensitivity 灵敏度
    True Positive recognition rate

    Sensitivity=TPTP+FN=recall\text { Sensitivity } = \frac{T P}{T P+F N} = \text { recall }

  5. Specificity 特异性
    True Negative recognition rate

    Specificity=TNFP+TN\text { Specificity } = \frac{T N}{F P+T N}

  6. ROC Curve ROC 曲线
    false positive vs true positive rate
    false positive rate = 1 specificity
    假阳性率 = 1 特异性

    You can observe the AUC (area under the curve).
    If this area is larger, a model is better.
    In this case, the purple line is the best. the area and the curve is 100%.

  • In real practice, reporting an overall metric is not enough.
    It is better to have the following combinations

    • Model 1: acc = 80%, acc_1 = 80%, acc_0 = 80%
    • Model 2: acc = 80%, acc_1 = 95%, acc_0 = 70%
      在这个例子里,更倾向于使用 Model 1
      Because Model 2, even if the overall accuracy are the same, but the performance of different labels are not balanced.
      Model 2 即使整体精度与 Model 1 相同,但不同标签的性能并不均衡。
  • Overall metric + metric on positives & negatives

    • Acc/Err + Precision/Recall/F1 + Specificity
    • Acc/Err + ROC
      用了 ROC,其他指标可以不用

# In-Class Practice

Calculate accuracy, err rate, precision, recall and F1, sensitivity and specificity for the following example
计算以下示例的准确率、错误率、精确度、召回率和 F1、敏感度和特异度


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