4.7k 4 分钟

# Notes # Regex Java Subexpression Matches ^ Matches beginning of line. 匹配行首。 $ Matches end of line. 匹配行尾。 . Matches any single character except newline. Using m option allows it to match newline as well. 匹配除换行符以外的任何单个字符。使用 m 选项还可以使其与换行符匹配。 [...] Matches any single character in...
7.2k 7 分钟

# Notes # Object Serialization # serialize If an object contains other types of objects as fields, saving its contents can be complicated. 如果对象包含其他类型的对象作为字段,则保存其内容可能会很复杂。 Java allows you to serialize objects, which is a simpler way of saving objects to a file. Java 允许您序列化对象,这是将对象保存到文件的一种更简单的方法。 When...
6.3k 6 分钟

To start the design process for your final project you may follow the steps below: Define tasks to be accomplished by your product. If you are a team of 5 – you will define 5 individual goals. If 3 then 3 goals. Each task to accomplish your goals has to be fairly complex – about 10...
52k 48 分钟

# Notes # Getting started with FX The start method is the heart of any JavaFX application. The method is called when the application is loaded, and a reference to the application's primary Stage is passed as a parameter. The start method creates the Scene object and displays it in the...
15k 14 分钟

# Notes # Passing an SQL Statement to the DBMS Once you have established a connection, you must get a reference to a Statement object before you can issue SQL statements to the DBMS A Statement object has an executeQuery method that returns a reference to a ResultSet object A ResultSet object...
9.1k 8 分钟

# Storyboards # Why We've collected data from real users and from competitive products 我们已经从真实用户和竞争产品中收集了数据 We've determined the Mental Models our users have by developing Personas 我们通过开发 Personas 来确定用户拥有的心理模型 We have a good idea of the Scenarios of use that our users will...
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# Aesthetics in HCI 人机交互中的美学 Traditional emphasis on usability is now giving way to include user experience as a measure of good UI design. 传统上对可用性的强调正逐渐让位,包括用户体验在内,作为衡量良好 UI 设计的方法。 # Various Movements in Art 各种艺术运动 Greek and Roman 希腊和罗马 Medieval 中世纪 Renaissance 文艺复兴 Baroque 巴洛克式 Neo...
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# Notes DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) # WHY USE A DBMS? Storing data in traditional text or binary files has its limits well suited for applications that store only a small amount of data not practical for applications that must store a large amount of data simple operations become cumbersome...
19k 17 分钟

# Notes # Streams API Interface # Lambda Expressions 3 ways to execute Comparator<Employee> byAge = (Employee emp1, Employee emp2) -> emp1.getAge() - emp2.getAge();List<Employee> emps = fetchMembers();emps.sort(byAge); List<Employee> emps =...
15k 14 分钟

# Tentative Topical Coverages for Mid Term Topic(s) Suggested Readings Java SE Essentials Chapters 1-5 (review of essentials) Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts Chap. 6 Arrays and Arraylists Chap. 7 Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism Chap. 10 Stream I/O file processing, Exception...