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# Aims and objectives To understand the basic principles of echocardiographic quantification of valve disease 了解超声心动图定量诊断心脏瓣膜病的基本原理 Morphological techniques 形态学技术 Assessment of valve stenosis 瓣膜狭窄的评估 Measurement of valve gradient by Doppler echocardiography 多普勒超声心动图测量跨瓣压差 Calculation of valve area...
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# Learning objectives Cases of Systemic diseases with echocardiographic changes 伴超声心动图改变的系统性疾病病例 Recognise echocardiographic features of systemic diseases 识别系统性疾病的超声心动图特征 Systemic diseases that mimic each other on echocardiography 超声心动图表现上相似的系统性疾病 # Echocardiography in Systemic Diseases Systemic...
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# Echo Basics and the Right Ventricle With regard to the anatomy of the RV, which of the following statements are true? 关于 RV 的解剖结构,以下哪项陈述是正确的? Wall thickness is the same as the LV 室壁厚度与 LV 相同 In the apical four chamber view, the LV appears more trabeculated 在心尖四腔切面,左心室似乎由更多肌小梁 The RV is anterior...
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# Can we always see details well? 我们总是能很好地看到细节吗? Nickname for echocardiography: Shadow-gram. 超声心动图的昵称:阴影图。 # Limiting factors to taking good images 拍摄良好图像的限制因素 High body mass index i.e. obese patients 高体重指数,肥胖患者 Respiratory disease, especially COPD 呼吸系统疾病,尤其是 COPD Poor patient positioning e.g...
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# What is pulmonary hypertension 什么是肺动脉高压 Elevated pressure in the pulmonary vasculature 肺脉管系统压力升高 Normal mean pulmonary artery pressure is 8-25mmHg. 正常平均肺动脉压为 8-25mmHg。这个参考值是基于右心导管插入术所测得的。 Pulmonary hypertension is defined by mean PAP > 25mmHg at rest during right heart...
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# Indications For Echo in Hypertension 高血压患者的超声适应症 Second line assessment ESC Guidance 2013 “the routine use of echo in systemic hypertension is inappropriate" 在系统性高血压中常规使用超声是不合适的 Assess if there is end organ damage 评估是否存在终末器官损害 Grade 1 hypertension to decide on Rx Cardiovascular...
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# Defining Diastole 定义舒张期 Diastology 诊断学 The science and art of characterising left ventricular relaxation, filling dynamics, and their integration into clinical practice. 描述左心室舒张、充盈动力学及其融入临床实践的科学和艺术。 # What is Diastole The relationship among LV, LA, and aortic (Ao) pressures and M-mode tracings...
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# Echocardiography measure LV function # Advantages Direct imaging = possible to make visual rather than mathematical assessment 直接成像 = 可以进行视觉评估而不是数学评估 Relatively inexpensive equipment 相对便宜 Fairly quick to perform and to analyse 相当快地执行和分析 Not distressing to the patient 不会让病人感到痛苦 No need to use...
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# Learning Objectives RV anatomy, haemodynamics and contractility 右室解剖、血流动力学和收缩性能 Ventricular interdependence 心室相互依赖 Basic views of the RV 右室的基本切面 Dimensions and thickness of the RV 右室的尺寸和厚度 Assessing RV function - tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion(TAPSE), fraction area change(FAC), tissue...